My name is Veronica, but my friends call me "V".
My name comes from the Latin origin meaning:
She who brings Victory; True Image.
This meaning is where True Image Coaching
was born.
I am a Go+Tell Gal Licensed Coach and hold
a degree in Bible Theology and Counseling
Psychology from William Jessup University.
My passion is and always has been Identity. In my early years of college, I remember feeling excited anytime I had the opportunity to mentor or help women in their time of “crisis.” Whether it was a relationship or family problem, I seemed to alway be the one who people called for advice.
After graduating college I found myself getting caught up in the online dating circus and quickly became consumed with building my identity and self worth based on the men who quickly moved in and out of my life. It was a long journey of what ended up putting me into rehab for unhealthy habits and then into more painful and hurtful self destruction. My worth and identity was built upon lies that I believed to be true. I have walked in the trenches of hopelessness, loneliness and loss of identity and know on a first-hand basis what it feels like to not know who you are.
Raised by praying parents, I am the walking testimony of what Proverbs 22:6 says about training a child in the way he should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it. I eventually came back to my faith and started on a journey of self identification and deeper understanding of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I have come to believe knowing who you are and whose you are, is the key that unlocks a love that only God can sustain. One of my spiritual gifts is exhortation. I love encouraging people and bringing out the gold that is inside of them. When I speak, I call forth the good in people which makes them feel loved and seen. My desire is to come alongside others and help them to be exceptionally good at what they do. I do this with my commitment in cultivating a caring and nurturing place for others to feel safe as I edify and inspire them to live in their God-given identity and walk in the fullness of Christ.
If you are ready to uncover the truth of who you are and who God has made you to be, then I would love to connect with you. You matter and carry a great deal of value inside of you.